Feeling off balance? Check your breathing!
It’s cold and flu season again. We’ve had the sniffles and found empty tissue boxes. The body feels pretty “blah” at this time but have you noticed something else? - a sense of moving...
Is Your Posture Straight or Does Your Brain Just Think So?
Let’s talk posture as it’s a frequent conversation point with my teenage sons. I see them
hunched over their laptops for homework, and slouching on the couch for video games.
Massage Satisfies All 5 Love Languages
Are you a quality time kind of person, or a gift-giver? If you’ve read The Five Love Languages, by
Gary Chapman then you are one of the 20 million (and counting) who know a new...
Interested in Intuitive Eating? You must do this first!
Are you fed up with dieting? Good. Fad diets often lead to disappointment and long-term weight gain. So now, you’ve started looking for what you can do to eat healthy and...
The Importance of White Space
When I was younger, I loved art. My art teacher taught me about composition and understanding how everything has its place, even the empty spaces.
When I grew older, I took photography lessons, where I learned...
An Emotional Embrace
Let it go. I hear myself saying these words often.
“Let it go; it doesn’t serve you.”
“Let it go; it’s not worth the pain.”
Recently, I had a powerful, introspective journey through guided breathwork and meditation. The imagery I...
The Gravity of Balance
“Call 911.”
“Call 911.”
Those were the words I heard calling across my neighbor’s fence. He was home, alone, and had fallen. He was trying (with no success) to get Siri to call 911. Unfortunately, I couldn’t move...
Help for Good Health
My tulips are not the only thing springing up this time of year. A theme has quickly emerged from my conversations with friends and clients. The theme is best expressed as….”I need help!”
I feel compelled to...
Why do my emotions make me eat?
What a roller coaster of a month! I've experienced some amazing highs and some scary lows. I can easily say, this has been one of the most chaotic months in my life, in...
5 Ways Massage Supports Weight Loss!
Have you had a massage lately? I bet you felt relaxed with less pain and more movement.
Have you been trying to lose weight? I imagine you are watching what you eat and trying to...